Open lectures plan

Plan of conducting open lectures by teachers of the department
Thermophysics and Applied Ecology for Academic Semester I 2021/2022
# name
lecturer, position
Lecture topic
Time Audience number
or ID, password (in the case of an online event)
Course, specialty
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Yakub Lidiya Nikolaevna, Professor of the Department of Thermophysics and Applied Ecology Ecology.
Topic: “Ecology of the city”
10/27/2021 11: 30-12: 50 T-416 2 course
185 “Oil and Gas Engineering and Technologies”
2 Dmitry Ivchenko, Senior Lecturer, Department of Thermophysics and Applied Ecology Environmental expertise and environmental monitoring.
Topic: Publicity of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), communication about the planned activity that is subject to ATS, determination of the scope of research and the level of detail
09/13/2021 8:00 – 9:20 T-401 3 course,
101 Ecology
3 Semenyuk Yuri Vladimirovich
head Department of Thermophysics and Applied Ecology
Earth Sciences.
Topic: Physical and chemical properties of sea water
11/04/20201 9: 30-11: 50 T-416 2 course
101 “Ecology”
by industry specialists for the 1st semester 2021/2022
# Full name of the lecturer Lecture topic Date
Audience number
or ID, password (in the case of an online event)
Course, specialty
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Shimchuk Nikolay Alexandrovich
Project manager
Application of nanotechnology in thermal power equipment December 10, 2021 15:00 753 4983 0249
Password: 005035
1, 2, 3, 4
144 “Heat Power Engineering”